Writing a biography is not an easy job. It’s a bit tougher than writing fiction. It’s a hard genre in nonfiction. An author who is willing to attempt to write a biography has to put their heart and soul. The author of “The Lady with the Magic Lamp” has captured the life of Rajammal into a beautiful biography.

Manju K Manohar and Dr Aswathy Rajan have created Dr Rajammal’s character. That particular character stands equal to a fictional protagonist. The growth and character of the protagonist stay strongly with every reader. Every emotion the character faces is also experienced by the readers. The ups and downs are hitting the senses of the reader. 

The odds faced by the protagonist are not faced by everyone like her. Developing a character equal to a fictional heroine is hard. This work will make every girl wave bye to their teens. They will make them work to construct their extraordinary world. The hardships faced by Rajammal are not faced by everyone, there will be few or other problems. But her life taught us lessons.  

The Lady with The Magic Lamp
Story of Rajammal a Book review


The language is simple. The metaphors are easy to understand and relatable. The small excerpts from the letters are crisp and relatable to the context. The small quote or lines, in the beginning, are relatable to the body of each chapter. Instead of long sentences, they could have broken into short sentences. 

The Lady with the Magic LampPositive

Every page unfolds an interesting, inspiring, and life-changing experience. The efforts of authors to merge their writings was fantastic. Minimal detailing weaved the intensity. The final section of each chapter ends with special learning. I loved the final part so much. 

Thanks to Manju K Manohar and Dr Aswathy Rajan for penning a great life in a beautiful story. One section of the book is worth mentioning. Adding a “Glossary” in the book will reach irrespective of language and culture. To know and understand the cultural words and cultural practices, the authors have perfectly used the appendix. 

Great book

Do buy and read.

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