A day usually has a variety of feelings such as happiness, sadness, jealousy, and a variety of others. Every emotion has an impact on a person’s life. Sharing feelings with someone is an important aspect of human life. They will share their experiences throughout their lives. A person should go through the stages as they travel through life. We take the roles of a child, an adult, a parent, a worker, a consumer, and a grandmother in our cycle of life. When childhood is nice, as the expression goes, “bend the twig, and bend the tree,” shaping a human being’s life is straightforward. As a result, parenting has a significant impact on a child’s development.

Trust between each relationship is important in a family. They instill courage. The relationship between parents and children is important. It will reflect in the growth of children. Knowing that there is a strong foundation of love backing them up. It gives them more stability to try new things and take risks. Courage will throw some confidence in their life. The confidence nurtures them. So, a healthy relationship between parents and children will encourage children. It will reflect in the growth of children. The children know that their parents love them. 

Love comes when we realize the purpose of a relationship. It is not only romance, joy, support and so-called happiness. It is also equally about learning, growing and personal growth. A fulfilling relationship requires concentration, organization, effort, and skill. There’s serious work in keeping and developing any connection with others, whether it’s personal or professional. Any relationship needs love, care and affection. It is not necessary to be children; it can be a partner, a best friend, a relative or anyone. So practice saying, “love you”.

The society we are living in might take in the wrong connotation. So never stop expressing in the beginning, say loud until society takes in good connotation. Life is not a circle. Every human needs a human to wipe their tears when they are crying or sad by sitting in one corner. It’s the greatest feeling when you say I love you. 

Share love through the phrase, ‘love you’ daily. It’s healthy to say ‘love you’ to the children early in the morning. It creates an optimistic mood throughout the day. They will also have energy and ideas in their mind to do new things. To increase the bond between children and parents or husband and wife or between friends, ‘love you’ creates a huge impact on support, strength and energy. So let us begin our day with ‘I love you.’ After all the love unexposed goes unexpressed.  

‘Love You’ is not a simple phrase, it is a TRUST

here is a small scribble by me. Title –

Variety of Feelings
Variety of feeling

Sometimes, love

Sometimes, love

is bundle of promises,

they show up whenever

mind and body are tired.

Sometimes, love 

sows the seed

to grow 

positivity and peace.

Sometimes, love

hurts you, gives pain

makes you cry

In end, turns meaningful.

Sometimes, love

Isn’t a roaring river

or crashing waves

In end, it is understanding.

Sometimes, love

Isn’t for a gender,

people or one person,

It’s for all and all.

Sometimes, love

weaves people,

test patience

reap love and life.

– Jan Balan

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