The question might sound silly to a few. But this is something important.

Do you appreciate yourself, your good qualities, your success and your positive abilities?

These are a bunch of questions rolled into one. But seriously, it amounts to the same thing. I have recently learned to appreciate my efforts and abilities. It is good to say to myself that, “ you’ve done well”.

It increases my self-esteem and gives a boost to my morale. Perhaps our generation was taught to be humble and self-effacing. I have seen many of my contemporaries and friends not acknowledging their good effort. But why should we not?

Most women I know are remarkable multi-taskers. They handle a lot more than their male counterparts. Yet don’t give themselves enough credit. As I have learned to acknowledge my contributions towards my family I am happier for it.

Appreciating oneself

• It gives Greater happiness
• • stronger resilience
• Increased Motivation
• • It will correlate with our physical and mental health

“Self-Appreciation is a foundation of a better world”

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